
Raphael Sulzer

Postdoctoral Researcher
INRIA / LuxCarta

About Me

I am postdoctoral researcher in the Titane team at INRIA Sophia Antipolis and a research engineer at LuxCarta Technology. I obtained my PhD titled “Learning Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds in the Wild” at IGN and Imagine. During my PhD, I have lectured on the topics of photogrammetry and GIS at ENSG. I also hold an MSc in Geomatics from TU Delft and a BSc in Geodesy from the University of Stuttgart.


Research Interests


* indicates equal contribution

  1. ECCV
    Raphael Sulzer, Florent Lafarge
    European Conference on Computer Vision

  2. CVPR
    Jean-Philippe Bauchet*, Raphael Sulzer*, Florent Lafarge, Yuliya Tarabalka
    CVPR Workshop on Urban Scene Modeling

  3. TPAMI
    Raphael Sulzer, Renaud Marlet, Bruno Vallet, Loic Landrieu
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

  4. PE&RS
    Yanis Marchand, Laurent Caraffa, Raphael Sulzer, Emmanuel Clédat, Bruno Vallet
    Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing

  5. theses.fr

  6. ICPR
    Raphael Sulzer, Loic Landrieu, Alexandre Boulch, Renaud Marlet, Bruno Vallet
    International Conference on Pattern Recognition

  7. SGP
    Raphael Sulzer, Loic Landrieu, Renaud Marlet, Bruno Vallet
    Computer Graphics Forum

  8. ISPRS
    Raphael Sulzer, Pirouz Nourian, Jan van Gemert, Michele Palmieri
    International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences


Conference Reviewing

Journal Reviewing

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